So yesterday I went to work and found out that the promotion I applied for, the one for which I am ideally suited and would do a positively bang-up job at, the one I have been basically doing for the last four months except for the title and the hours and the pay raise, THAT one, went to someone else.
I am flabbergasted by this.
While they were in the process of flabbergasting me, the powers that be made a point of telling me how absolutely fabulous I am-incredible work ethic, takes iniative, passionate about the department, the whole nine yards-in an obvious attempt to make me feel better about myself , probably so I won't go bonkers and smash in the windows or something.
I got home and called my best friend to vent about the situation. Suddenly my sister sitting in the room said, "You know what? Your work just broke up with you." And I said, "They DID. That's exactly what just happened. Right down to the 'It's not you, it's us' bit. But since I still work there, they obviously still want to be friends." And then she pointed out that what they actually want is to be friends with benefits, since they want me to continue the relationship we already have without the fuss and bother of making it official.
Those cretins.
And so yet again I am deprived of sleep by an utter moron who is too blind to see what a great thing we could have together. Only I don't even have the satisfaction of a hard thwack across the face with a dueling pistol. (What? That's how I handle all my breakups.)
In silver-lining land, I DID just type this on my phone. Which is frankly pretty freaking cool. Marvin, never break my heart, promise? (Yes, my phone's name is Marvin. No, I don't name all my possessions-just the electronics. Yes, his name is Marvin because he's an Android. No, I'm not going to explain the joke.)
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